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Adventure Presents: The Pause
Adventure is a collaborative experience, not a competition – fun comes first. Make sure your fun is not at the expense of someone else’s fun. Some stories can get intense and, while dark humour and dark plots can be exciting for some groups, they can also make some people feel vulnerable or give unpleasant people a chance to do harm.
In Adventure Presents, if you are ever feeling uncomfortable with any aspect of the story, a character’s actions, or the tone in the room during play, raise your hand above your head to pause the game.
You can then make a request or statement for the game if you wish, or talk privately to the GM if you want to let them know why you paused the game.
It is important that if you or one of your fellow players do pause proceedings that they are not interrogated about it. There will be a reason why they raised their hand, and if they want to discuss it further, they will.
The Pause is a safety net to make sure everyone enjoys the game. It might never be used in your games, but for some players knowing they have this option available to them is hugely important. Make sure you respect it, and it’ll help make sure you and your group have a great time!